I began my undergraduate studies at the University of North Texas in 1997 with the assistance of the Regents' Scholarship, the largest undergraduate scholarship granted by the school, and also the Multicultural Scholarship. Though originally a drawing and painting major, I switched my degree plan to mathematics after seeing a film on the Mandelbrot set in a design class. Upon being accepted into the mathematics doctoral program at the University of Texas in 2002, I was awarded the Ford Foundation Predoctoral Fellowship for Minorities by the National Academy of Sciences. This provided financial support for my first several years of graduate work. After that I worked as teaching assistant and assistant instructor. I completed my doctorate in 2009 and joined the faculty of Rio Grande College immediately thereafter.
I believe in the mission of Rio Grande College. In partnership with Southwest Texas Junior College, Rio Grande College offers one of the most affordable college degrees in the state, including a ten thousand dollar bachelor's degree program in mathematics. It trains and educates many of the teachers who go to work in our region. I am committed to improving the cultural standard of living in my community through recognizing the intellectual dignity of my students. This site is dedicated to them. I've been clinically diagnosed with an autism spectrum disorder and display the usual characteristics. I'm hypersensitive to certain stimuli; I process things very slowly, especially during interactions with other people; I sometimes have difficulty recognizing faces, maintaining eye contact, understanding spoken language, and navigating casual conversations. However, the disability carries strengths as well as weaknesses, and I'm proud to be able to represent the broader autistic community at an institution of higher learning. I live in Uvalde with my wife and children. I enjoy reading, painting, and spending time in nature. Paintings and DrawingsFractal Art |
Michael Ortiz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Sul Ross State University Rio Grande College
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