[under construction]Geometry (MTH 3301)
Prerequisite: MATH 2413 or permission of instructor. Modern Abstract Algebra (MTH 4301)
The goal of this course is to study some of the symmetry groups that have applications in art and nature, and to learn something of their historical and cultural significance. We will begin with familiar notions of sets and natural numbers and build up group theory axiomatically. Students will also read Symmetry, the classic exposition by Hermann Weyl, one of the great mathematicians and physicists of the twentieth century. The highlight of the course is a field trip to the San Antonio Museum of Art, during which students participate in a symmetry group scavenger hunt. Get your symmetry field guide here. Prerequisite: MTH 3304. Students who have taken MTH 3310 and are interested in the course should contact me, even if they don't have the prerequisite. Readings and Research (MTH 4327)All senior math majors close to graduation are encouraged to participate in our capstone course this spring. It will be run as an informal readings course; students will work through and discuss Coxeter's classic Introduction to Geometry. The course will culminate in the deliverance of an oral presentation and a research paper in a topic of the student's choice; Coxeter's book should suggest many possibilities. This would be a good opportunity to obtain a letter of reference, especially if you are considering going into teaching. Contact me if interested. Additional Course InformationThe two-year course rotation of the RGC mathematics program may be viewed here. Course descriptions may be viewed here. If you are a new math major at RGC, I recommend making sure you've taken Calculus I and II right away. Begin your studies here with Geometry and Discrete Mathematics, and any other courses you have the prerequisites for. If you have any questions about advising, or would simply like to talk to me about your degree or mathematics in general, please do not hesitate to contact me. |
Michael Ortiz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Sul Ross State University Rio Grande College
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