To Mr. Miller, my high school math teacher, who first interested me in conics.
This is unfortunate. The theory of conics has a long and colorful history: it began, they say, with a religious quandary on the Holy Isle of Delos, and has been contributed to or employed by Archimedes, Apollonius, Kepler, Galileo, Pascal, Newton, and others, in works that are readily available at little or no cost. In addition, there's a wealth of applications in optics, architecture, celestial mechanics, and so forth. But most of these are left to the side in the modern classroom, which admits conics only as the graphs of equations like y = x2 and xy = 1, and ignores their most beautiful properties. What follows is a primer on the basic properties of conics. It should be approachable to an advanced high school student who has taken geometry, but it has also been used in college-level topics courses. The treatment completely eschews the use of coordinates, using synthetic rather than analytic reasoning, and silencing what one mathematician referred to as "the clatter of the coordinate mill."
The Altar at DelosAn anonymous tragic poet of Greek antiquity once represented the legendary king Minos as erecting a tomb. Minos, dissatisfied with the size of the tomb, which measured 100 feet each way, decided to double its volume by doubling each of the dimensions. No one today knows who this poet was; his work has not survived. The only reason we know about him is that he became notorious among the Greek mathematicians for the error in his reasoning. For, if the height, breadth, and depth of the tomb were all doubled, then the size of the tomb would be octupled, not doubled, because 2 ⋅ 2 ⋅ 2 = 8. This advice, while easy to state, was not so easy to carry out. The problem was to find a new side length that exactly doubled the volume of the cube. The Delians weren't sure how to solve it, so they sent to the philosopher Plato (c.428 BC – c.348 BC) for help. Plato explained that the oracle's purpose wasn't so much to double the size of the altar as to shame the Greeks for their ignorance of geometry. He then handed the problem over to his colleagues at the Academy. Archytas, Eudoxus, and Menaechmus each provided independent solutions. Cross-multiplying, we obtain x2 = ay, y2 = 2ax, and xy = 2a2. Combining these, we find that x3 equals axy, which equals 2a3. So, if x is the side of the new altar, then the volume of the new altar is twice the volume of the old altar. The goal, then, is to find x and y so that x2 = ay and y2 = 2ax. Taking a = 1, we have x2 = y and y2 = 2x. Our modern eyes recognize these as the equations of two parabolas in the plane. The value of x is given by their intersection point. It is important to remember, though, that the Greeks had no coordinate geometry; the Cartesian or xy-plane as we know it was developed by René Descartes (1596 – 1650). Our Greek consultants resorted to mechanical means to construct the length, only to earn the censure of Plato for having introduced physical methods into the purely intellectual science of geometry. Thus began the study of conic sections. The theory was systematized by Apollonius of Perga (c.262 BC – c.190 BC) several generations later. His approach to conic sections was to view them precisely as that—as sections of cones. The alternate focus-and-directrix definition wasn't known for several centuries after his work appeared. Our exploration of conic sections will use the latter definition as being more in the spirit of high school geometry. |
Michael Ortiz, Ph.D.
Associate Professor of Mathematics
Department of Natural and Behavioral Sciences
Sul Ross State University Rio Grande College
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